Dec 10, 2009

Be part of something BIG?

Well... Maybank or streamyx?... both of the company have their own name in their field.. maybank in banking while streamyx in internet provider.. but one thing that similar about them is the job that they provide for me.. customer service a.k.a call center...huhu.. thats the only job which easy for me as graduate in malaysia other than SALES.... huahuaha.. but of course.. as long i have a good job..HALAL.. anything can be... i have the strength..the attitude.. eventhough it is not related... but somehow i feel it would enhance me as suitable employee in the future.. well.. the story of streamyx started when Nadia from Career Xcell called me.... she offered me the position of customer service in streamyx project but i need to go for interview with VADS... lots of company involved in recruiting for streamyx since it has outsourced it's recruitment to VADS malaysia..well for career xcell is just the agency which provides suitable candidates to VADS.. after went through several step of recruitment, i was selected to be one of the next customer service agent for streamyx which handles technical@troubleshooting...The day of the interview went well as i got the job~~~...Well.. after the interview session with VADS, i got another called from Talent Lab.. one of well-known recruiting firm in Malaysia..The person in-charge is first i thought it was a girl but the name is for a guy.. HAHA....Today(9-12-09), i went to their firm in Bangsar... it situated in 62-2,Jalan Telawi, Bangsar Baru.. The firm is a bit small but quite systematic with lots of small room for briefing@interview.... The job that was offered to me is call-center for Maybank which is in S.Alam.. the salary package is okay... as the transportation will be arranged by them from masjid jamek...Yet to confirm the position , i need to go trough the interview with Maybank itself on 17-09-2009.. huhu.. hopefully i get the job there.. cos i think it is more reliable/easy than streamyx... but nevertheless.. i'll go for my training with streamyx this monday......and then go for maybank interview later on..........Okay la ...enough story for today.. see you all later.....some of the links that might as well be useful to you :

Talent Lab :

CareerXcell :


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Dec 9, 2009

I wonder...

Hello guys.. here i am..start writing again in my's been a long time since my last post on oct.. it was 2 month ago.. hoho.. ya.. kinda of lazy to write.. and my health is not in really good condition to stay up late and bloggin'.. well.. whut else i need to say.. huhu.. for the past few weeks, i'm officially a job hunter.. applied hundreds of jobs, went through various interviews, none of them called.. it sucks.. wasting lots of time and money.. but even so.. i've learned various skills on interviewing.. ahaha.. the only job that need me is customer service.. Astro..Streamyx... but eventhough the job is not related to my field (mechanical engineering), i guess i'll give a shot and try my long as rezeki yg halal... Gain some experience and learn as much as possible.. hopefully the economy will be okay in 2010 and more jobs opportunity.... I guess that is it foryes today.. see you all again when i see you...p/s : please take care ur health..ur never expect whuts going to happen.. have a healthy life.
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Oct 22, 2009

kad mesra ilang

kad mesra oh kad mesra!!

adus.. awal2 pagi td da bgn..kejadian ari ni.. kad mesra my gf ilang.. adess..sian da lame die duk kumpul point.. bersalah lak rasa.. seingat aku ade je dlm kete.. tp 2-3 hari yg lepas misplaced tah kat mane.. not in my xleh nk cari kat ne..abes selongkar kete,beg sume.. last2 aku amik solution call mesralink je.. (130022888)..
tut..tut.. ade bro tuh angkat..

bro : "ye, boleh sy bantu"
aku : " nk tanye sket, camne kalo kad mesra da byk point dlm tuh..bleh transfer ke?"
bro : " erm..boleh"
aku : " tp sy x igt no kad.. no ic bleh ke?"
bro : " no ic.."
aku : " 8*****-10-5*** " roshida
bro : " ow.. roshida ye" . ok,sy akan block kad lame nih..boleh pergi kaunter register for new kad..and then, telepon kami bgtau no kad baru n ckp nk buat point transfer..
aku " "ok..tq"

huhu, senang je rupanya... seb bek bleh trace tru ic.. tp x silap aku ade charge die.. around 150 point for new tuh xleh nk watpe.. kene isi minyak kete RM150 la kot br leh ganti blk :)

Simpan kad mesra elok.. kang x pasal kene caj replacement kad + jgn lupa register online kad!

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Oct 21, 2009


Die! Die!
huhuhu..pnat edit.. ade gak slack.. cuber tgk kat atas ade lambang --> .. xtau nk edit kat ne...ades...

try and error but fail badly...

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22 October 2009


Ape nak jadik nih..ades.. perut lapar.. keje xdek.. mau makan ape.. hu... seb baik la ade cbf nih.. bleh gak nk mm..da update2 blog nih.. macam2 da jumpe.. yg complicated hack..simple hack.. malas nk adjust lebey2.. nnti busan2 tuka jugak template nih.. xpernah tahan lame.. haha... japgi nk kuar la ..jalan2 makan.. k r.. c later2...
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Today's Post


hu.. arini ape pon x buat.. mau cari keje.. tapi x kesampaian.. kelaparan.. last2 mengadap blog nih gak.. ade la ubah suai sikit..insyaallah..esok gerak cari keje...
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Oct 18, 2009



today is really an exhausted day...
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Oct 4, 2009

Travel in KL


pnat sungguh berjalan di kl nih..nnti kawe update lg..
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Sep 20, 2009

Hari Pertama Raya..

Huhu..salam.. Ape kawe nk tulis arinih.. tengah penat2 lagi nih..baru blk dari berjalan raya..haha..raya sakan tahun nih..x duduk umah... start bangun tadik kol 7 lebih da.. pagi2 mmg malas nk mandi kat kg nih..sejuk..air kolah katekan.. hu..maybe ade yg xtau kolah tuh ape..kolah tuh cam air takungan mandi siap2 da dekat kol 8 lebih da..pakai baju melayu...makan kuih raya..baju melayu kawe da siap di"iron" semalam lg..huhu.. da siap2 sume beraya sesama family dulu before g masjid..semayang raya kat kg x ramai sgt org.. biasa2 je.. lepas semayang raya..sempat la bersalam dengan 2-3 org tua2 masjid..tok imam sume... pastu g ziarah kubur atok lak kat belakang masjid..bersihkan ape yg p atut..cabut3 rumput sket..huhu..1st time g melawat kubur atok nih..sempatla sedekah al-fatihah... pas setel sume barulah beraya jln2.. start dr pagi td pergi jalan raya kat umah maktam.. pastu petang nih melawat2 budak2 sekolah rendah..sekolah kebangsaan beseri dulu..huhu..lame gile x jumpe sora ng2..dekat 10 tahun..masing2 da berubah..da besar dan matang..ambo je masih kecik lagi..haha..tapi tu pun da dikatakn semakin gmuk..maybe sihat kot:P... okayla.. cukupla stakat nih..panjang plak kawe tulis arinih..uhuhu..sok kawe cite lg...adios...
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Sep 19, 2009

malam raya di kg.


huhu..di malam raya kat kampung..penat jugak harini.. byk bende buat..start dari awal pg tadi..sahur..pastu awal2 pg da bangun setup tempat utk bakar lemang..siap buat pondok lg takut2 hujan.. huhu..pastu g jln2 kat kangar..cari songkok..songkok aku saiz 21 3/4 je..kecik je kepala kawe.. besar2 kepala xleh la..hahaha... g bli daging..tulang utk buat bihun sup esok.. huhu..shoping2 tau2 da petang da..lepas jalan2 balik setelkan hal kat umah nenek nih plak..seting nk bakar lemang, pasang pelita, pasang lampu lip-lap..huhu... seb bek x ujan malam nih.. time nih da abes da bakar lemang.. xsempat nk amik gambar huhu.. xpe nnti kawe post gambar lemang dlm pinggan je la ek..haha.. okay la..pening da nih..x larat same.. nk siapkn baju raya tuk sok lak..adios
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Sep 16, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya


Wuhu.. post ku dimalam hari.. Arini dah pun 17hb/09.. tinggal beberapa hari je nk raya.. arinih aku baru je repot duty petronas.. ahaha.. tu pon pakai email..nk pegi kl mmg xdpt r.. for sure x balik raya aku.. dah lambat report duty ni.. tapi apakan daya.. xde masa+ malas.. huhu.. back to hari raya.. so far persiapan ok la.. baju raya da siap beli da.. lentino.. hu. murah beli kat jusco..banyak sale..sedap memandang.. bli yg patut2 je.. kuih raya ade la sikit2.. maybe raya nih nk balik kampung.. nk buat lemang..woho.. camne tuh.. seingat aku pnah gak la sekali buat lemang kat kampung..tapi x igt raya biler.. huhu.. orite..calos luh...mata da ngantuk..adios..eh2 lupa lak..haha.. di kesempatan ini, ambo nk ucap selamat hari raya..maaf zahir dan batin..halalkn ape2 yg patut..
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Cerita di malam ramadhan

-disclaimer- gambar ini cuma hiasan. tidak berkaitan dgn post

Salam.. lama sudah x mencoret kat blog kawe nih.. rasa korang la kn.. korang percaya tak bomoh2 nih?? maklumlah dah zaman2 IT nih..ramai je yg kurang percaya bende2 karut nih.. same gak dengan aku.. tp kes yg aku nk cerita nih maybe leh wat pedoman sket2..aha.. cite die camni.. ade la salah sorang family aku nih saket2.. sng cite mak aku la.. so pegi la jumpe bomoh nih.. org panggil die paksu. dekat area2 gurun..maybe ade yg pnah mlm tuh pegi la mintak ubat dekat paksu nih.. lain macam gak cara die berubat.. selepas baca doa..tetiba je die pengsan.. cam tertido gitu..pastu die bangun tp suara dah garau2.. maybe "tok" da masuk dlm badan die.. tok nih pun mula la tanye name.. ape hajat.. dan nk suh watpe.. aku igt lagi ayat2 die.. "ape hajat che'ok oi ape hajat". seram sey bunyi.. pas da bagitau sume die cube tengok2 kn.. rupanya2 ade org dengki.. tanam "bende" dkt depan rumah...huish.. pelik gak aku..siap bagitau lagi lelaki ke pompuan yg tanam bende tuh..tapi xbgtau la name.. so alang2 da ade "bende" tuh.. die tanye nk buang ke.. so kitorang ckp nk buang la..tup tap tup tap lepas process sume.. aku dpt tengok real punya "bende" yg die amik kat dpn rumah aku tu.. siap ade tanah2 lagi.. bende tuh kain yg dicucuk ngan jarum pastu diletakkn kat dlm botol. ades.. "bende" nih la yg slalu wat sakit sengal2 badan cam dicucuk2 gitu.. so far lepas da buang tuh.. alhamdulillah.. sihat...
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Aug 23, 2009

cerita di hari konvo

Majlis konvokesyen ke-9@utp..berakhirnya satu penantian selama 5 tahun kat utp.. nk amik segulung ijazah and majlis sehari nih jek. pnat jugak hari konvo pd 16hb tuh.. meriah cambese jek.. konvofair cam pasar malam.. sempat la jugak tgk aizat perform malam ahad tuh.. kejadian masa siang sblm majlis... aku punya majlis konvokesyen ni sebelah petang.. kene la bratur kat depan blok 21.. lepas register name sume.. dpt la no 424.. rs2nye tuh urutan tuk amik sijil kat dlm chancelor hall nnti.. bratur2 punya bratur.. lama gak la.. ade dkt2 2 jam rsnye.. masa tuh aku tgh bawak sijil marshal cs konvo 2008.. malas nk pegang aku letak la kat bangku blok 21 tuh... terlupa lak nk amik sibuk2 nk g msk hall dah... kuar2 ptg dlm kul 6 camtuh.. tgk2 da xde... mmg ***.. sape lak nk amik sijil tuh.. haha bukannye buleh gune pon.. sian member2 aku.. xdpt sijil.. 2 sijil je terselamat sebab aku dah kasi awal2.. sijil bean ngan abas.. sijil yg len sume hancus.. pnat tanye makgad, makcik cleaner, komiti2 konvo.. sume xtau.. burn sijil satu..waaaa... aduh2s.. hilang la mood nk konvo da ptg tuh.. ape2 pun.. bersyukur sbb dpt konvo.. tembam lak aku dlm gambar nih... haha.. maybe sihat terlebih kot.. senyum pon ala kadar jek..
p/s : mahal giler gambar konvo .. abes sume dkt 120 gak...kopak2...
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Aug 12, 2009

Rutin harian?

Dequadin a.ka ubat saket tekak

tdo..tdo.. tdo..haha..menganggur sampai xtau nk watpe..last2 kene demam..seb bek demam sket2 jek..starting ngan saket2 tekak..dah la skang nih musim penularan H1N1.. cuak lak tetiba demam nih.. 2-3 hari lepas da byk g tempat2 mall sume nk cari baju convo punya pasal.. seb bek la byk sales.. berbaloi gak meredah org ramai.. sales up to 70% discount..mmg best r story pasal demam.. abes sume satu keluarga kene demam..last2 keputusan pon diambik..sume kene pegi cek kat klinik..klinik panel utk MARA sini ialah klinik azhar..ramai giler org kat klinik..sume demam.. ade sorang budak pompuan tuh dah kene H1N1..sengsara je aku tgk.. aku nih bakal folo dak pompuan tuh ke???.. dah bertambah cuak..demam ade r sikit2..batuk xde lak..selsema xde lak..saket tekak ade demi langkah masuk g jumpe doktor xigt lak aku...ahha.. last2 dr. tu check sume satu family..jeng2...xde pape pon..sume demam bese jek... as for me.. dpt la ubat saket tekak a.k.a dequadin + antibiotik + ubat demam... skang da pukul 3 pagi pon masih melayan tenet...tgk2 forex sket... aha... perut pon da lapar da.. adios amigos chows (carik makanan ape yg ade)..
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Aug 8, 2009

Majlis Konvokosyen Ke-9 UTP

Alhamdulillah. grad jugak aku akhirnya.. ok..utk sape2 yg nk pegi bleh la. details ade kat bwh ni

Venue: Universiti Teknologi Petronas,
Bandar Seri Iskandar,
31750 Tronoh, Perak, Malaysia.
Tel: +605 368 8000
Fax : + 6053654075
14 , 15 , dan 16 August 2009
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2nd post

Xde ape nk dicoretkn kat blog ni.. nih aku attach sket resit pembayaran konvo.. alumni 20 yars + 50 yars tuk convocation ceremony.. total 70 ringgit kene bayar tuk bergelar siswazah.. aha..
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